Call us to order
- Mixed nuts vary in size from about 5/8” to 1 ½” with most about ¾” to 1”.
- They peel easily (no ingrown pellicles)
- Nuts come delivered in vintage style reusable drawstring cotton bags (ready for one's refrigerator crisper drawer)
- Wholesale quantities – call for pricing and local delivery options
- For mixed size nuts (pickup at orchard):
- 1 lb. bags ($10),
- 5 lb. bags ($45),
- Mixed size nuts (shipped – continental U.S. only, excluding CA, OR & WA):
- 5 lb. bags ($45) + shipping
- High Quality Stainless Steel Chestnut Scoring Tool ($25) + shipping

Mountain Grown Chestnuts
Contact Now
Location : 205 Beelog Rd. Burnsville, NC 28714
Appointment Requested
Phone : 828-678-9342
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